Generates T&C, legal notice, data privacy and right to cancel in German language
For websites and online shops
Update-Service via E-Mail included (we send you a notification in case of changes/necessary legal adjustments in our legal texts)
Of course including liability for all generated texts in case of legal warnings caused by our texts
Main reason for "legal warnings" (Abmahnungen) are incorrect or incomplete legal texts.
With the Legal Text Generator app you can solve this problem and generate accurate legal texts for your German-language website or your online store (physical products) in just a few minutes.
How it works: You answer simple and understandable questions - without any previous legal knowledge. Our online generator immediately provides you with your individual and lawyer-checked legal texts. Following legal texts are included: Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, Right to Cancel and Terms and Conditions.
Of course, our legal texts are always up to date. If new laws or jurisdiction require changes to your texts, we will notify you by e-mail.
In this version, only legal texts for the German and Austrian markets are supported.
Nicht sehr sinnvollZum Glück gibt es diese App im ersten Jahr ohne Aufpreis beim Core-Paket dazu. Als Payware ist sie ganz sicher nicht zu gebrauchen. Ich hatte mein Impressum und meine Datenschutzerklärung bereits in der...
Bakeandcakemuenche/ Oct 18, 2023
Nicht wirklich tollIn der Zeit in der man diese App befüllt, könnte man auch einfach gleich eigene Rechtstexte schreiben. Das nervt mich ziemlich stark. Ich bin den tollen Service von e-recht24 gewohnt, bei dem man...
Oeti00/ Oct 10, 2023
Christophe1ferrass/ Sep 16, 2023
in German .... ??? please come on... what do i do with a german legal text..?
Roufamazon/ Apr 26, 2023
unable to change languagesI recently purchased Legal texts by Trusted Shops app in wix and have been disappointed with the user experience. The app is not friendly to use and I am unable to change...
Trusted Shops SE 團隊
Thank you very much for reviewing our app. Right now, the app does only contain a German version. This is also mentioned in the app's description. Just contact us and you will get...