Brand monitoring: Track reviews, mentions, & competitors—all for FREE
Top Google rankings: AI-driven SEO strategy
Top visibility: Sync & publish your business profile everywhere
More traffic & followers: Social Media Ads and posts with AI
The #1 AI-powered Digital Marketing Suite to get your business to the top of Google.
- Detect SEO issues and get quick fixes
- Boost your rankings with AI-Keywords generator
- Full-site SEO audit with AI URL Optimizer
- Track rankings and reviews in real-time
- Spy competitors' strategies
- AI-optimised content for SEO and Sales
- Sync business profiles on Google, Facebook, and more
- AI-powered Social Media posting and scheduling
- Launch ads on Facebook and Instagram in minutes
- AI-automated review replies in seconds
- Track your progress with reports
Drive traffic and boost sales with rankingCoach, the AI-powered Digital Marketing Suite.
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Zackdirtstone/ Jan 28, 2025
Erases online progress.Doesn't do much if you already have a google business profile or social media accounts. Instead wants to erase everything you have and start new profiles, not link and connect to current profiles,...
rankingCoach GmbH 團隊
Thank you for your feedback. It seems there may have been a misunderstanding. rankingCoach does, in fact, connect with existing Google Business Profiles and social media accounts. Our goal is to enhance and...
Manuelaettel/ Dec 19, 2024
Von wegen Kostenlos! Lockvogel Angebot0 Sterne! Wenn man die App hinzufügt und sich quasi anmeldet, bekommt man zur Verfizierung eine E-Mail von Rankig Coach um seine E-Mail Adresse zu bestätigen. Wenn man die E-Mail Adresse bestätigt kommt...
rankingCoach GmbH 團隊
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Gsamadic/ Dec 2, 2024
TE ROBAN EL DINEROContraté esta aplicación y nunca apareció como activa. Cuando intenté cancelarla no se pudo ya que fué por PAY PAL. En centro de resoluciones de ambas compañías no se pudo hacer...
rankingCoach GmbH 團隊
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